Collaborate With Me!

Talking about mental health is one of the things I love doing most. Over time, I’ve worked hard to create healthy and sustainable ways to live with anxiety and depression, and this blog is one of the many ways that I’ve learned more about my own mental health and grown my passion as a mental health advocate.

I love to work and collaborate with others on mental health advocacy work, and that could be you! I focus on living with mental illness, anxiety disorders, and depressive disorders – including clinical depression and major depressive disorder. In addition to lived experience with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and clinical depression, I also do mental health advocacy work and have written about my experiences on this blog since 2017.

My advocacy work comes in many forms, and though my blog is focused on writing, I’ve also appeared on podcasts, been interviewed for blogs and am exploring speaking engagements. I also approach this work with a background in communications, which includes my day job in nonprofit communications and a B.A. in Journalism from Elon University. In addition to lived experience, my communications experience helps me harness my love of writing to talk more about mental health in a new way.

If you’d like to collaborate on your next mental health-related project, you can find me on Instagram or send me an email at – I’m excited to work with you!