Reflecting on 2022 on My Brain’s Not Broken

Every year, around this time, I like to take stock of the year I had. I wish I did this in a more formal way, but I don’t. It’s mostly thought and reflection, but it’s very important for me to think back on the year I’ve experienced. It helps me process things I might have otherwise missed, and I think it plays a big role in helping me move through certain things and prepare for the year ahead. So today, I’d like to take a brief look back at the year that was on My Brain’s Not Broken!

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This Year, You Did Enough

I don’t have a particularly long post today, but it’s a message I wish would be shared more this week. This year has been hard. At times, this year felt impossible. Even as we near the end of it, parts of this year still feel impossible. But I hope you take heart in the fact that, despite how you may feel about the state of your world and what you’ve done, this year, you did enough.

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One Day At a Time, One Year At a Time

So it’s the end of 2017, and congratulations are in order. You made it!

Did I? You’re probably asking. And there could be good reason for that question. Whether it was a good year or bad, getting to the finish line of a calendar year can sometimes feel like you’re stuck in molasses – it takes forever to get there and when you do, it’s anti-climactic.

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